GUINDO spol. s r.o.



Customer centric organisation?

Being customer centric is frequently confuse with being customer focused - the reality is there is a big difference.

Being customer focused means offering consistently a great and relevant experience. Its an overarching principle that basically urges companies to treat their customer right.

Being customer centric means looking at the customer lifestime value and focusing marketing effort squarelly on that real world, high value customer segment to drive profit.

Customer experience or experienced customer?

The attention for customer experience has grown exponentially over recent years. Yet, at the same time, customer experience has become a “thing”, a term many people use for various reasons.

The exploding attention for customer experience as such is great. It – theoretically – shows that organizations are starting to put their customers more at the center: customer-centricity. Not only in the original sense of focusing on your best customers but in the sense of optimizing your processes and business functions around the customer. And not just in an all too theoretical and strategic way but in practice, in real life, in service and beyond.

Satisfied customers?

When it comes down to it, customer satisfaction is a reflection of how a customer feels about interacting with your brand. And businesses and brands quantify this positive or negative feeling primarily using customer satisfaction surveys. Customer satisfaction is a metric used to quantify the degree to which a customer is happy with a product, service, or experience.

At the same time athe basic customer segmentation is identified together with the basic reason why the particular customer type is using your services

  • Do you have enough devoted customers who will help your company to recruit new customers?
  • Or are they only loyal due to barriers in the market or bound by contracts?
  • Perhaps they are not loyal but always looking for the best deal?
  • Or at worst are those spreading negative word of mouth and making it difficult for you to win new business?